The newest Corvette, the 2007 Z06, is an amazing car. It looks like the Ferrari cars looked like a few years back. The intake at the front of the car makes it look fast and stand out from the other versions of the Corvettes. I love Corvettes; we used to own a 2002 Corvette Coupe (When it was new). It was wicked to drive in. My dad won't let me tell anyone how fast we went in it!!!! We won Easter of 2002 and sold it after about a month or less :( At least we had some fun with it. It was a "Stripped Corvette" (That pretty much means it wasn't a fancy Z06, or Convertable, or have lots of fancy add ons). It still was a very nice car: Leather Seats, Fast , Sweet Stereo, Fast, HUGE Tires, and did I mention it was fast!! It was cool when you inserted one key (each driver has their own) it would adjust the seats for you, the radio, and that cool stuff. One of my favorite features (that I want to get on my own car!) is that when you accelerate the stereo gets louder, lets just say we had some fun with that! :)
That's all for now folks, until next time,