The Lotus Sport Exige. This is the racing version of the car, it looks very nice and fast, which it is. This car is often underplayed in games such as Need For Speed (not that I don't like NFS considering I have just about every one and I have a ND4SPD). I've noticed this on all the NFS games the Elise is on (I think about 3 or so) that it is always the bottom car; sure the other cars are alot better but I think the Elise needs some recognition, I mean it's no hunk of crap car it's a sweet car that deserves more than it's been given in the past (I mean they put old Dodge's like the Charger as being faster than it!).
Well back to the picture, this car is amazing; especially in this picture. If you like this car check out some more of Lotus's cars (The Esprit, Exige, Elise) they're also sweet rides.

I bet none of you have ever seen this car before!!!! This is a Ferrari Concept car. I think that Ferrari should make this car, it has a nice shape and the coolest headlights ever. I think it would be a great advance for Ferrari now. They used to be my favorite car company for a long time, but lately (The last year or so) they haven't come out with any good looking cars, their new cars look like crap, not worth the amount you pay for them. So now my favorite is probably Lamborghini or McLaren. Ferrari should bring back some good cars such as the F40, F50, Spider, Modena, and Enzo. They have however made one of my cars, probably the best Ferrari ever (about 1/?(Not Bad)): The FXX...

Later. N8.
Hey are you a professional journalist? This article is very well written, as compared to most other blogs i saw today….
anyhow thanks for the good read!
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