Megaman is definitely one of the greatest game series ever invented. It has been one of my favorite since I was in grade 5. the latest installment to the ZX series is coming in October of this year. The game will be called Megaman ZX: Advent. I suspect that it will be very much the same as ZX but is also supposed to have new features. Among the new features is one I'm really looking forward to. That is that you can transform into the bosses that you've battled after you defeat them! They also have different suites.
To all of you avid Battle Network fans I'm sorry but I haven't played on any of those games... yet.
mannn , why do i feel sao lonly , a friend today tell me that i view life negatively , ok , i noe wht ai should do now , i should focus on my study and get a degreee at uni .dont want to be wasting my time and money , hwy get maturere abit , my fren told me that i view life immaturely , freens doesnt nessdcary mean aa good life , ok , inoe what i should do . just forget about he whole thing and just live your life . BE happy . My fren also said dont demand too much , demand frens . evernyinth has to be balance in life . Now , i feel a bt better . hey , my frens think i fell lonely , maybe becoz of my problm ,, laugh it away .......
just feel like saying this , fuck the old homestay , ecp the old man , damn he soclode me the most man , bash him in the head , i m gonna say some cantonesefoul lang to him , grrrr, bash him , thats all i wanna do to him fo scolfing me . grrr , gootta relaessa my feeling u noe
fuck the old homestay , always scolding me , get a life old homestay host , maggie n mike . Fuck u guys , scold diu lei lou mou . fuck u , the worst place i have been in brisbane , thats ur home , damn u motherfuckersssss , lucky that i got went . everytime i over 12 , u come and knock , grr , i m sick of that , and the bathroom , ok , i everytime i like that , ok , i admit i do messy , thanks fot tht , but also , i hate u .
More stuuff also , u giv me wrong food , scold me , diu lei la . wish i have said some foul language that would hurt ur motherfuckin heart , for scolding . Diu lei , bash u to the of the world laa
fuck that slut , i bought that , but when i got home , i check ed ,and it all is disapear , fuck u , mother fucking slut ......at eckerslreys
i m goin back to get my refund back lol , mother fuckin bitch ....... , i have bad impressio on the eckerleys grannies now , diu lei
i think i feel much better now , mann , still have to do all my homework, and my laziness i draggin m e, i dun think i really want to study ,i think
not my problem , his or hers any wya, i realizze that now i dun hav chung leee, how how how how, i need to get into architecture, any second i waste , i will regret with a thousand boulders on my back.....i need to be an architect so baddly, then show u wanna be become one
PAUL , BELIEVE in yourself
diu lei old homestay, say me talk rubbish,i actually feel good, about being rude to u. hahahahahhaha
fuck u bitchy claudia, ok , sometimes i am also a bitch ,,ok i noe that , but the main point , bitchy claudia . fuck off cunt , cunt !!!
argh, playin fuckin pokemon, so fuckin broing and annoying damn that fucking game , so fuckin lame and unintersting , only find other weakness and then go attack , damn , so boring .................................... make me piss off , manananananq
motherfucker,,,, i dun like being in these situation, whr i dont understand a side. I m certain that i paid hsemum, but now she says she wants more money, if i dont pay ,s he say i'll go to court. SHe has to pay also la u know. I shudnt hav paid her in hte first place, this is getting into a big mess. I had that wanting to move out from homesta feeliong long ago. Mayb she, greed.
arghh, i so pissed about homestay now, argh evry time i think of it , i get so annoyed. I want to release my tension by destroy smthg in a game, that makes me feel better
awww, my hair odor forcing me to become emo. sooo frusttrating, i think it taking a tolll on my academic's , and the only thring i can think of when i get home i play game s and wach utueb.this is gettingme no where, i wdid the reearch and done my homework, its getting on my nerves. I didnt managened to make close relationchips, it making me havine confliect wiht myself, i done want to continue to live like this, Just yerterday, i wathc Nik Vujicicm inspirationa l vcideo, he is sucha courageous man. Be like him, have courage and continue to face my fears. Despite, being like that. i dont like this feleing. I feel like so emo. After i stopped gym, i been getting more emo. Just think back,, i was always on the run, afraid to face the pain, just a 7 weeks ago, when i went out with my friend Hoo, he was i was bragging on all about how much EMO i was feleing. But look at me now, i m still the same emo.GUY, i m am gooing no where. So, its time to change, if u dont, u r going no where, if u dont change,i'll doubt the chances u be able to complete all your courses.
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