So another Aston Martin, similar looking to all the others!! Little on this supercar is known yet; it will have a hand crafted aluminium body and a powerful V-12 engine. One thing that I really love about this car, and I find it's so different than all the others, is the intakes on the front sides that cut through the black lights (very well sculpted and thought out). I also like the massive cuts molded into the side of the body. The only thing that Isn't as unique is that other than those few changes, it's still nearly identical to most of the other Aston Martins (although they all look good, so it's not all that bad), but I can't blame the Aston Martin team for sticking to the base design and then making it better with every car they release (I do the same thing when I draw cars, usually have one design and then improve it, and sometimes go and try something new; which I'm hoping Aston Martin's design team may try next time). Either way this car is gonna be a beast!!
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